Sunday, January 16, 2011


Everyone has been much better today (except me, I'm worse, but I'll suck it up), so we actually went out for lunch (Steak & Shake - the shake felt good going down but it sure didn't help my cough!), and to Best Buy to look at printers for BJ.  The kids were pretty excited to get out of the house for a change.  Then we stopped at Grandpa Bob's new house (just six doors down the street!) and visited for a while.  BJ hooked up Grandpa's DVD player.  I got tired and we came home, but Claire opted to stay.  We're going to try that new Mongolian Barbecue style place for dinner with Grandpa in about half an hour, so now that my hot tea is gone, I'm going to close my eyes for a bit.

Thanks, Facebook friends, for keeping me laughing yesterday!  It really helped!  If we're not yet Facebook friends, shoot me an e-mail with your link and I'll friend you as long as you aren't one of my creepy ex-boyfriends from high school.  :)

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