I've written about my PPD before. To be honest, today is a bit of a mess and I don't have time to write about it again, but it sucks rocks, and there is help, and Zoloft is your friend if you feel like you've lost your mind and you've had a baby.
As I said before, this too shall pass. Don't be afraid to get help.
Thanks for your support of the MOTHERS Act. Too often postpartum depression is a problem that goes unnoticed, and most women with PPD never receive any type of treatment. PPD is a treatable illness, and it is essential that we continue to educate ourselves and others about this important issue.
For more information on PPD, visit us at The MGH Center for Women's Mental Health
I'd like to invite you to join our Surviving and Thriving Mothers Photo Album (http://postpartumprogress.typepad.com/photos/happy_healthy_mom/index.html) at Postpartum Progress. The photo album helps to show mothers who are currently suffering that they will survive and become happy mothers. It features women who have recovered from postpartum mood disorders and their children. If you would like to be in it, email me a jpeg to stonecallis@msn.com, and include your first name and last initial, as well as which illness you suffered and what year it was, and the state you live in!
I just referred my little sister to this your website post, because she's suffering a serious case of postpartum depression. You have some really helpful content that I think she really needs right now. Mrs Panic Attack Cures Jen
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