But YOU could. You want her, don't you? You know you do. And if you click the title of this post you can meet all her brothers and sisters, and you can get in touch with their mama and find out how you can adopt one of your very own...
Like this one!
Ok, seriously, the cute! It's blinding!!!
I love mutts. I've waxed poetic about Max enough times that you know that about me already. Mutts are the bestest dogs. These little loves came into the world by surprise - the owner adopted the Mama dog not realizing that she was already pregnant. She has a LOT of puppies, and all the no-kill shelters in her area (Nashville) are full. Transportation arrangements can be made to save these babies, courtesy of the fabulous Ivy.
Wouldn't one of these babies be a wonderful surprise in an Easter basket? Puppies are the new bunnies! Please e-mail Trace at Newscoma for further details on these gorgeous boys and girls. Or just do what I just did and add her to your feed reader, so that you can make sure that they all get homes. Because seriously, if it comes down to Tootsie up there going to a non-no-kill shelter or coming here, my heart might tell my head to go jump, and we might just end up with a dog we can't afford...
(Maria, I'm looking right at you... You need a puppy. If your Claire could talk she would be begging you for a puppy right now. You're within the limits of where Ivy will bring a pup, too. Or how about you, Shannyn. Rebe? If Ivy gets the dog to me, I'll get her to you. I'm willing to drive into Chicago, most of northern Illinois, or lower Michigan, in order to deliver. BJ has a thing coming up in Wisconsin in a couple weeks, if you're up there, Reader, we could make arrangements. Barb? Jake is lonely. Julie, not all dogs are as dumb as Nimbus was... Once you go mutt, you'll never go back!)
I feel like Oprah - YOU get a dog, YOU get a dog, YOU get a dog! Hahhaa...
Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!!!!
They're too cute and I have no room or patience for dogs right now.
Katelynn's now saying, "I want doggie!" whenever she sees a dog somewhere. I ask her if she'll be okay with a little sister and she says, "No sister!"
Geez! ;)
that first dog has some seriously EVIL eyebrows. it may gnaw off my face in my sleep.
Have you ever looked into pet insurance? When I heard that our friend's dog ran up an $800 vet bill recently and they only had to pay $50 of it because they had insurance, we signed our dog up immediately. It's relatively inexpensive and WORTH IT. Just like human insurance, you can choose from a variety of different plans/levels of coverage/etc. Check it out: http://www.petinsurance.com/
I sure hope those little cuties find a home soon - and I have no doubt that they will!!
Wow! I got mentioned in your post! :) A puppy is probably in our future, but not the immediate future, so I'm terribly sorry I can't help out this time. We just don't have work schedules that allow us to take proper care of a pup. I'll mention it around work, though. Good luck!
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