Who do these kids belong to, honestly? Because I am the opposite of a girlie girl. I am a jeans and t-shirt girl. I would no sooner wear a dress for fun than I'd go shopping for fun. Yuck. My kids, though, are clothes horses. They start developing their own ideas about what they're going to wear around 18 months (THAT guessing game is fun) and at 3.5, MG shows no signs of stopping and stepping into her jeans and t-shirt birthright.
On the other hand, if I could look this cute this effortlessly, I probably would, too.
It's like the Midget Prom around here.
They'll be precious at the pharmacy later... when I get out of my jammies.
omg. so cute. you must post more pix. but none of the mirena stuff. haha. i actually don't think it's gross to READ about, tho!
"Midget Prom" cracked me up.
Adorable! Maybe you should bust our your dress from the wedding and you would get a burst of fun, too. :o)
They are so adorable! LOL
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