Thursday, September 1, 2011


Sometimes it's hard to feel loved...

when BJ is so busy at work that he's getting about 5 hours of sleep a night because he's working constantly...

when Mary Grace is at school without us all morning and comes home with this big old attitude...

when Claire spends the whole morning whining that she wants to go live in Grammaland...

when Jack half gnaws off half of my boob because he's in the middle of the world's most annoying growth spurt...

when the kids seem to be at each others' throats constantly...

when most of my extended family and most of my friends live far away (but thank goodness for those of you who DO live here - don't know what I'd do without you, don't want to find out).

I'm glad it's almost the weekend, because we have lost that lovin' feelin' at the house of Pretty Babies, and I'm hopeful that spending some time together this weekend will help us get it back.  I wonder if I can talk BJ into actually taking Labor Day off.

How do you reconnect with your family?  Do you have big plans for the holiday weekend?


Rob Monroe said...

First visit by my family this weekend - my brother, his wife and their lovely 14 month old! Woo Hoo!

For my family, we schedule a picnic when we need a night back together.

Amy said...

I think a picnic with your family would improve my mood, also. We'll have to schedule that. How's two weeks from tomorrow? :)