Monday, June 11, 2012


If anyone is handing out Olympic medals or Guinness records for laundry folding, please nominate me. I just spent the last two hours folding an epic pile of laundry.  As I was rounding the corner toward the finish I had the following thought -

"This is dumb.  My kids are never going to care that I routinely stayed up until nearly midnight folding their clothes.  This doesn't matter to them.  Why on earth am I doing it?  Motherhood is the most thankless job..." grouse grouse grouse...

...and then I realized that I needed to write this today:

Dear Mom,

Thank you for staying up until nearly midnight (and beyond) folding clothes, making Halloween costumes, packing lunches and backpacks, paying bills, balancing the checkbook, and doing the other 99,000 things that you did for me when I was a kid.


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