Thursday, June 11, 2009

In Which I Suffer Fools

Note the first reader comment. Heee...

Link to Sun Times.


Sarah Victor said...

Are you really going to try and match wits with a childless man on the topic of "mommy blogs"? No point, he couldn't possibly understand. Of course he actually has someone paying him to write his nonsense so you have to give him a little credit there.

Unknown said...

Your point on 'if you don't like it, don't read it' is completely correct.

I have no idea where the part about belittling women came from but the first half of your first comment was spot on.

Amy said...

The part of my comment about belittling women pertains to the author's assertion that there's nothing more interesting for us mommy bloggers to write about than our children's farts, that we're so small-minded and easily awed that we would regard those same farts as "miracles," etc.

Being a mother is the hardest job I've ever had, and anyone who doubts how hard it is, how much I use my college degree in education every day, and how much lay-medical on-the-job training I've accumulated, and so on is welcome to try it for himself for a couple months and get back to me.

I have done a lot of jobs in my life, and the hardest ones are always the ones that seem to garner the least "credit" in the eyes of others. (Not you, of course, my darling husband... You know how hard I work. I'm talking about the author, here.)

I welcome the increased traffic, though, that my comment ought to generate. :)

Maggie C. said...

First time I've commented outside a blog, on an actual "media" website, but that was ridiculous! I am 27, unmarried & childless (for now) and frequent several mommy blogs. It must be tough that some people don't understand that aside from being a blogger and a mommy, you are real, you have other interests and things that define the whole "You". Articles like that one just make me sick to my stomach.

Heidi said...

OK, I agree with you. And I loved the comments. However... I went back and reread the article with a "sarcastic eye" (does that exist?! it should) and found it, in that light, to be immensely entertaining. If you look at it like that, he knows these words will come back to bite him in the ass - and he welcomes it!

Though I am as guilty of the poop and boob discussions as the next (and, of course, LOVE reading them), even I occasionally think "why the heck am I writing about this - who will care?"

Then a distant family member, friend or total stranger (such as you!) will comment on my blathering and I remember why I do it. To record our history. To share our lives with anyone who cares about us. To relieve (and relive) the banality that is sadly so often my day.

And, most of all, because damn it - my kids and their shennagins are just too cute NOT to share with the world! *wink*

So to all the MommyBloggers - Keep on Truckin'! We'll be reading...