Sunday, January 15, 2012

Didn't Forget

It's hard to remember to blog on weekends. Went to Grammaland. Shopped with Mimi then went to my meal co-op. Meal co-op rocks. Got a ton of great food for my family. Agreed to go on a weekend getaway with my aunt and cousin, even though I'm hopeless at scrapbooking. Maybe their talent will rub off on me. If not, at least I get to chill for a couple days with people who love to snuggle Jack. Listened to a bunch of great podcasts while driving. Do you know The History Chicks? Excellent podcast! Will link when I get to a real computer, but their website is - features women, but male history buffs will also enjoy it!

Sorry this sounds like a telegram, I'm on my phone, nursing Jack, and my typing arm is going numb.

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