Friday, June 29, 2012

Friday Busy Friday

Today was the girls' last day of Theater Camp.  I dropped them off at 9, went to Walmart to get a gift for MG's friend's birthday party this afternoon and cookies for the reception after the performance at camp.  Came home and Jack and I sweated outside for a while, before GBob and I headed to the theater.  We were scolded for getting there too early, so we went and got a coke and then came back, arriving at the same time as Grandpa Ben and Grandmother Diana.  BJ got there as we were walking to the theater, too.

The performance was cute.  If my phone decides to behave I'll upload a picture.  After the performance we went to lunch, then I ran Claire to a playdate at Caitrin's and took MG to her party.  Didn't realize that it was a pool party (way to read the invite, Mom), so I ran home for her suit and took it back to her.  Meanwhile I dropped GBob off at home and Jack started his nap in the car.

Jack and I came home, I put him to bed and then sat here and chewed my nails over the severe weather all afternoon.

If Jack ever decides to wake up from his nap (funny how they sleep FOREVER when you have somewhere to go) we're going to go back and pick MG up, and then we'll go visit with Caitrin's mom for a while.

We need to be home around 6 so I can make dinner for the kids and change my clothes.  BJ and I are going out for supper with some friends from college.  GBob and the kids are staying here with a pizza.

Ha ha ha, I just remembered to call and get a reservation for dinner - they're totally booked.  Awesome.

1 comment:

Rob Monroe said...

D'oh - hate when calling and making reservations. We did that for our anniversary dinner. It's a bummer. There's always Steak N Shake! :)