Thursday, June 21, 2012

Rookie Mistake

I feel like the worst mother ever tonight.

Today was busy.  I have a lot going on, and a lot on my mind.  Jack, weirdly, took his nap from 11:30 until 1:15 rather than his usual after lunch 1ish to 3ish.  I was also babysitting a friend's kids this morning, and working with another friend on some logistical stuff for this weekend, and getting some stuff planned for the afternoon when the girls were at daycamp, and and and...

I fed the girls lunch at about 12:35.  I put away a plate for Jack.  Erin took the girls to camp for me when she picked up her kids, so Dad and I waited around for Jack to wake up before we left for an afternoon of errands.

We went to the kitchen store, to a friend's house for a quick errand, past the house that just came on the market that I am dying to see (tomorrow), around another neighborhood that I wanted to point out to my dad because I just found it and it's cool, through the car wash, through the drive-in root beer place, to the liquor store, the grocery store, and the discount store where I got wrapping paper, before I dropped Dad off, swung by to pick up the girls, and finally got him home at 4:15 for snack.  Which he inhaled.  Of course.

And that sweet boy didn't make a peep the entire time.  The root beer might have helped (he was very brave in the car wash), but I think I feel worst that I fed my kid root beer for lunch than I feel about missing lunch altogether!

I almost woke him up to feed him when I found his lunch, before I realized that we ate dinner and he had lots of fruit and he's fine, he's fine, kids miss meals all the time.  Plenty of kids in this world don't have enough to eat, and he gets three meals and two snacks almost every day.  He's fine, he's fine.

But the guilt, the guilt.

It will be a lot easier when he can say, "Hey, Ma, how about some lunch?"

1 comment:

Rob Monroe said...

Our doctors for years have said "think about food on a daily and weekly basis, not one or two meals" and we have lived by that. :)