Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Works for Me Wednesday!

This is my first extra-bloggular activity! Shannon at Rocks in my Dryer hosts WFMW where readers and bloggers share tips for just about everything.

Here's mine, it's simple. My husband and I keep our grocery list on Google Documents in a file that we can both edit from our Google accounts, so when he has a passing, "Hey, we haven't had meatloaf in ages..." thought, he can add it to the list, and I have some help with menu planning and keeping track of the house's supplies. This guarantees that he doesn't say, "Hey, we need toothpaste!" when I'm up to my elbows in babies, and then get annoyed with me when I forget. Two heads are better than one, after all.


Jennifer said...

What a neat idea! I'm always looking for help with menu planning. Thanks for sharing...

Anonymous said...

I love this idea! I am most definitely going to check it out. I told William this week that we need to start planning meals when we go to the grocery store. I am tried of aimlessly staring at the kitchen cabinets trying to figure out what to cook with hodgepodge ingredients. I feel so guilty when he comes home from work and I haven't made anything for dinner. I am off to the grocery store tonight as a mater of fact. I found a lot of low sodium recipes on the Mrs. Dash website. Love....Barbara

Anonymous said...

William had meatloaf for the first time tonight, he loved it! I have been craving meatloaf ever since I read this article hahahaha. I used a a Mrs. Dash recipe; there was no sodium and it was still great. Love you, B