Friday, August 22, 2008

Bad News

My computer finally died. It's laying in a million pieces on the kitchen counter. Luckily I was able to upload all my photos to Shutterfly before it gasped its final beep.

You wouldn't think that a dead computer would be much of a problem in this house, where we have more computers than people, but unfortunately it so is. My laptop was portable. I could sit at the kitchen table and preside over the chaos while still writing to all of you fine people. Now I'm in BJ's office, which is the least childproof room in our house (which means that it is a veritable den of death and destruction for small children) and I'm trying to keep the kids from electrocuting themselves or choking on tiny plastic things while I send you this brief update.

Thank God I type well.

So, the kid at Best Buy said the sales were starting Sunday, so hopefully it won't be long...

Meanwhile, since I know how many of you are dog lovers, you ABSOLUTELY MUST go here and read about poor Chai. Please go through you beloved dog's toys and remove any of these nubby balls (made by Four Paws) before anything awful happens. The link is so you can see it, not so you can buy it, just to be clear!!

And also, remember to take away any toys that are showing excessive wear (both from your dogs and your kids) and never to let your dog play with toys unsupervised (unless, like the Kong, they're intended for independent play - check the packaging when you purchase your toys).

Poor Chai...

Ok, I've got to take the kids outside before they completely wreck the office. Hopefully I'll be back online soon!


Unknown said...

Oh, ye of little faith. It's not dead yet (Monty Python joke, anyone?). It may be in a million piece but 990,000 of those are little screws. Ten quarts of anti-freeze, preferably Prestone - no, no make that Quaker State - and some ball bearings and it'll be just fine.

Rob Monroe said...

Nice call, BJ.

Sorry to hear of your pieces-o-computer. Whenever you get a new one it will be smaller and better!

Jen said...

if you can find one uner 2 grand because of back to school...