Lisa, "May the road rise up to meet you, May the wind be always at your back, May the sun shine warm upon your face, the rain fall soft upon your fields, and until we meet again may God hold you in the palm of His hand." I wish you and your family peace and comfort. May you feel the love that surrounds you, and may you slip peacefully into the next world.
If you have a moment to click through and leave her a word or two of comfort, I'd appreciate it.
1 comment:
Geez, this has been such a sad blog day :(. My google reader linked me to Lemmondrops, so I decided to check it out. The top (last) post was titled "Emilie's Passing"...so I was assuming it was a couple who had lost a baby. No, it was the blogger, Emilie, mother of two, who lost her battle with soft-tissue sarcoma on December 24th. I have been tearing up all day reading her posts (including the one eerily similar to Lisa's, in which she admits to her readers that she is preparing to die. Heartwrenching.), and thinking about her husband, best friend & love of her life, and how he's now having to adjust to life without his love & best friend, and his children's mother.
It's strange...blogs are part of my everyday "internet life," kind of different fantasy lives that I get a glimpse of. But death? No, that's not supposed to happen in the blogosphere, right? That's too real.
I'm sorry to hear about your friend Lisa. I pray that her family will hold her closely, that she will feel their love around her, as she is taken from this earth to a better place where at last her pain will be gone. I pray that her family will find the strength and courage to move forward with their lives, comforted by the fact that when she passes on, she will always be with them.
And here comes that familiar lump in my throat again...
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