Monday, January 12, 2009

New Bling!

Oh, check me out! I'm an official parenting expert for - and I've got the blog badge to prove it.

BJ assures me that this does not mean that I automatically win all disagreements about the kids. But it totally should.

And this parenting "expert's" one year old just colored all over her face with a blue marker. Gotta go!

If you came her via Wellsphere, welcome!! Feel free to e-mail any parenting questions to me, and I'll be happy to answer them!

For now, I'm going to go hose Claire off. *sigh*

Top Health Blogger - Wellsphere


adymommy said...

Congrats Amy! I am very excited for you.

Rob Monroe said...

Welcome to the club! I have actually not found a question to answer as of yet - I'm one of the Kidney "experts" now.

I have not had time to participate much over there with all of the other stuff going on...