I've had a Valentine for the past decade, plus, so it hasn't just been sour grapes on my part. Valentine's day has just never been that big a deal for me. We've had nice times on Valentine's day, including a memorable night at the Japanese Hibachi restaurant where we were seated with a bunch of kids who were on their way to a dance, and it snowed 6 inches while we were eating. We laughed a lot, and when we all left (together) we got into a snowball fight in the parking lot. Good times. But Valentine's day is not the kind of holiday that I've ever looked forward to with breathless anticipation...
Until this year.
This year, the kids are going to spend the night at their Uncle Brandon's. Mary Grace has asked me every single morning since we told her, about a week ago, whether or not today is Valentine's day because she is so excited to go spend the night with Lucy and Jane. BJ and I are going out for dinner at a restaurant that takes reservations and lacks a children's menu. Then we're going to go to a movie (probably Inkheart, unless Fan Boys happens to open here by then).
We're able to sneak away for a real date every couple of months. In fact, we just went to a wedding on January 24 together, and the kids stayed with my cousin Kelly and aunt Kathryn...
Here's photographic evidence:

Life is a Cabernet, old chum. Life is a Cabernet.
Anyway... This Saturday I plan on wearing that red dress, getting deep into the Cabernet again, and feeling like a person instead of a mommy for a night. I can hardly wait!
Between now and then, though, there's a lot to do. MG is student of the day at school on Wednesday, so we have to take snack and show and tell. They have a party on Friday for Valentine's day, so we have to contribute something for that as well, and we have to make Valentines for the 16 kids in her class. I need to get to Walmart today for groceries and supplies (but Claire's still sick, so I'm not sure how we're going to pull that off). I probably also need an idea for the Valentines... Surely there will be something cute at Wally World. I need to get the application filled out for next year's preschool. I need to work Tuesday and Friday... It seems like about a million years before the weekend, with all the stuff I need to cram in.
But the anticipation is part of the fun.
I just hope this cold goes away by Saturday.
Bumpa's on his way over to watch the kids while I go to Wally World (YAY!) so that'll help with the to-do list. I need to make a quick list.
What are your plans for the week?
I have to put together Abby's Valentines Day stuff. Yesterday we painted - no thanks to Mama, but that's for another day. We're going to cut out hearts and make valentines for family. The classmates are going to get bubbles and bracelets, but only because they are leftover from a party here at the office last month!
My goal is to come to work every day this week. It's something I have yet to do in 2009. Yeah, that sucks.
You actually do look different in that picture... but a good different! I am, however, saddened that you didn't include our Sunday date in your list of things to be in breathless anticipation of...
Just kidding. I'm sure BJ is a much better date than me...
See you Sunday!
Rob - I ended up getting treat baggies that we're going to fill with pencils, conversation hearts, and Hershey's Kisses. I figured that candy was the true road to popularity with the preschool crowd.
My first instinct was to do some sort of complicated arts and crafts project. Fortunately I came to my senses BEFORE the paints came out! We'll probably do cookies later this week. Would it be wrong to do the icing in the bathtub, it would make the cleanup so much easier!!
Jenny, I have to save SOMETHING to write about tomorrow...
I also am trying to work for this Valentine's day for my children. My husband is military so the last four years hasn't been here for Valentine's day (one reason or another).
I am inspired to try and make my girls Valentine fun!
BJ and Amy-your photo is super! What a awesome couple you two make!
So glad you can have a date night and relax.
I'm in Grandmaland. FL will have to wait due to a bad tooth. Maybe root canal Friday-who knows knows.
That's life I think and it has it's ups and downs.
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