Dear Angelina,
Keep on rockin' the boobies, girlfriend. You've done more for the cause with one photo than I've done in 3 years of bitching and moaning on this blog. You rock, and I totally forgive you for all the vial-of-blood-around-the-neck-French-kissing-your-brother stuff.
Yours in lactation,
Dear Fellow Hoosiers,
Please stop saying ignorant things in the media. It's just not fittin'.
Yours in geographicality,
Dear America,
I propose that we bump up the election and have it Tuesday, instead of waiting until November 4. I'm beyond sick of it, aren't you?
Yours in ennui,
I believe that I wanted to move the election to a week after the conventions. I can honestly say that I have not heard anything new that was positive since then. Nothing new that is substantial.
And here for all those years as a LLL leader, I taught moms to pull their shirt up from the bottom instead of down from the top.
I think it's awesome she is nursing. :-)
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