Homecoming, 1991:
Now that's a dress! I kind of miss the big shoulder, big hair look, and I hope it comes back. It's hard to believe that it was 17 years ago. What breaks my heart about this picture, besides the fact that I really miss my friend, of course, is that I thought that cute little body was SO fat. Seriously, those legs? I would kill for those legs. I guess you "don't know what you've got, til it's gone."
This was the Christmas dance the same year - by then we'd broken up, but we both wanted to go and we were still friends, so I borrowed a dress at the last minute and we went.
This one is from much later - 1997. That's BJ in the chair, in the white sweatshirt. JP has his arm around the blond girl whose name I don't remember. That's our friend, Bill, with the dark hair on the couch. He works for the State Department now and has lived overseas in unpronouncable locations several times. He's one of the smartest people I know (which is saying something, I hang out with a bunch of rocket scientists, for Pete's sake). The Asian girl sitting in front of the couch is Linda. She was brilliant and funny, her brother was the validictorian of our class (JP was the salutatorian). I have no idea what happened to them, but I'm sure they're doing fabulous things. Sitting on the floor is John, he lives in Chicago now. I can't remember the name of the guy with the glasses, either. BJ will remember. Was it Jeremy??
How can 17 years go by in the blink of an eye?
The guy with the glasses that is not John is another Bill. I'm drawing a blank on the last name - he was a couple years behind us in school. I believe he was friends with Paul and Linda's younger brother.
What about the blond on the couch? Not Barb...
I still look at my old prom and Christmas dance pictures sometimes too! Oh. My. Gosh. Big hair is an understatement in my pics! However, I cringe at the white lace, ruffles, and electric metallic (ok, how the heck to you spell lamay??) in the dress I wore in 1989! I can't imagine NOT growing up in the 80's. Do you like to play Trivial Pursuit? We should, like totally, get together and have a Trivial Pursuit marathon! I'm such a dork.
Ok, that last comment was supposed to say "electric metallic blue lamay" while describing my dress. I talk purdy one day!
Michelle - that sounds awesome. We also have American Idol for our PS3 and it is TOO FUN. Do you sing?
Seventeen years? I blinked and thirty went by.
interesting! there are just those old photos that bring back old memories and places we remember! mine's up too at this link!
I can't carry a tune to save my life! We'll trade off...I'll attempt to play American Idol (risking Max's eardrums) if you sing on Rock Band while I play guitar! Maybe we can recruit Fran on the drums and start a "Girl Band". Just kidding.
Michelle - I am SO there! Have always wanted to be the lead singer of a girl band. Will start working on getting my hot 17 year old body back ASAP. We can all wear our old 80s and 90s era dance dresses and call ourselves The Retros! Or The Shoulder Pads! Or The Big Hairs! (All great bands start with The... The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The The, The Clash, The New Kids on the Block... Heh!)
I am so glad you enjoyed the pics. They managed to make it to our newer laptop from our PC we sold a year ago. I accidentally dropped the external hard drive while it was ON and lost all of our data from our old PC. It is a miracle those pics survived! Although I don't remember doing it, I must have transferred those pics and several others onto the laptop. Phew.
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